‘The Mauritanian’ Robbed at the Oscars! Typical!

It is no surprise that the United States Oscars refused to nominate a film about an innocent man tortured by the United States. At least the British (BAFTA) had the balls to nominate it in several well-deserved categories. Let's keep in mind that most GITMO detainees are innocent: https://www.cbc.ca/news/world/most-guantanamo-detainees-are-innocent-ex-bush-official-1.804550

Netflix’s “Cuties” is MEANT TO Disturb Us

Cuties is a brilliant film with a powerful message, because it intentionally ends to challenge the viewer to raise questions about what they just saw. We were supposed to be disturbed about what we saw. That's the whole point of the movie! Therefore, the film brilliantly achieved in communicating that message. CounterPunch posted an article … Continue reading Netflix’s “Cuties” is MEANT TO Disturb Us