Netflix’s “Cuties” is MEANT TO Disturb Us

Cuties is a brilliant film with a powerful message, because it intentionally ends to challenge the viewer to raise questions about what they just saw. We were supposed to be disturbed about what we saw. That’s the whole point of the movie! Therefore, the film brilliantly achieved in communicating that message. CounterPunch posted an article that brilliantly brings up two important points that you should take as vitally important to better understand the whole point of the movie:

  1. The film director was criticizing the objectification women that prevails in the “enlightened West.”

2. The main character’s self-sexualization, abetted by the modern culture and its enslaving technologies, tips towards destruction, even if that path might lead to a kind of escape from the misogynistic perils of her own household. In this often suffocating milieu, her mother has been devasted by recent news that her husband is bringing back a second wife from Senegal to Paris.

Therefore, it shouldn’t surprise anyone that most of the right-wing Fox News viewers and evangelical Christians did not even see the movie. Whatever happened to “Don’t judge a book by its cover?” For this case, don’t judge a movie by its poster.

14 thoughts on “Netflix’s “Cuties” is MEANT TO Disturb Us

  1. I respectfully disagree. Judging a book by its cover is an old saying. We judge everyone and we are judged by everyone. Cuties was one of the worst movies ever made. And I thought you were against Netflix? I don’t get you… you are all over the place on what you like and don’t like and what is fascist and what is not fascist. Netflix is anti fascist but Amazon is fascist. I’m so confused. Can you stay on a stated position?


    1. I never said I was against Netflix. WTF are you talking about? Of course you think Cuties is one of the worst movies ever made, because you can’t think critically. How can you reflect properly on a brilliant movie if you are incapable of thinking about what this movie is trying to show. Coming from someone who hates black & white ideologies, it seems like you simply don’t understand how I think. I credit where credit is due. Netflix provides some great movies and TV shows, and I will use that platform to access great works of art wherever I can find it.


      1. First, capitalistic corporations are fascist. Those were your words. Well, Netflix is apart of that fascist capitalistic corporation you deride as being fascist. Those are your words, not mine. So, you love porn now, cause that’s art. Rent Forrest Hump, great rendition of Forrest Gump. Amazon produces great films, but you called them fascist. I honestly believe you don’t even know how you think.


        1. Corporate fascism is fascism. LOL! That is why these powerful corporations censor, and do not often provide good media that will wake up the public. On rare occasions, great films do come out of the Hollywood system. Those are the films I search for. Forrest Gump IS NOT one of them. It is right-wing propaganda, and a dishonest look on actual American history.


      2. Oh, and to blow up your argument on “most industrialized nation” bullshit; Here it is: those countries you think of, they’re majority white. Far greater than America, as that number is shrinking at a rate of 1-2% a year. You are comparing the most diverse country in the world, to mostly homogeneous people. That’s a pathetic argument. Facts matter. Prove me wrong, if you can.


  2. If you think Forrest Gump was based on a true story, I would love to hear what you think about Transformers. Again, if you are a critical thinker, you will be able to answer these questions honestly and without reservations:

    1) What is world Peace?
    2) What is equality?
    3) Can a fact be false?
    4) Name one country who formed their borders without any violence?

    If you can’t answer those simple questions, I’m done with this debate because you don’t know what the fuck you are talking about and you just regurgitate whatever anyone else says. This is a test to see if you can actually think for yourself. I don’t think you can.


    1. Seriously, YOU CANNOT READ. I literally just told you how terrible Forrest Gump is. Transformers is bad as well. People are better off watching Pacific Rim than Transformers. Critical thinking is about generating the right & most important questions. All your questions are extremely stupid. Here are two better alternative questions for you TO THINK ABOUT & REFLECT:

      1) Why did the world population overwhelmingly conclude that the USA is the greatest threat to world peace?
      2) Why is it that the USA capitalist system ended up having the most significant & greatest gap of income/wealth inequality that are linked with significant problems not shared amongst other modernized countries like mass shootings, domestic gun violence, and medical as a human right?

      As you can see, such questions get straight to the source of this endless cycle of violence. If you are interested in world peace, then you need to take advantage of your first amendment, and criticize the USA & their allies responsible for killing innocent families around the world and at home.


  3. Be a real man for once and answer the questions. Too much brain power for you?

    Answer to your questions:

    1) Who in the world said that the United States was the biggest threat to world peace? People aren’t flocking in droves to Cuba? Also, again, what is world peace?

    2) Again, in the UK, you can’t own a firearm. That’s designed to curtail your rights. Which countries don’t have the problems you state? Most countries have the very problems we have. For example, Nigeria. Since you will state that Nigeria isn’t a developed country, we will use Norway or Sweden. Both homogeneous countries.

    The United States is the most diverse country in the world, full stop. It’s the greatest country to have ever blessed the world. Have we fucked up? Yeah. But we learn from those mistakes and move forward trying to be better every day.

    Your questions are for little fucking kids. You can’t answer real thought provoking questions because you’re an intellectual fraud. You proved you regurgitate what others say. That’s all you do.

    I will use my 1st amendment rights to defend the Greatest country on earth from people like you, ball-less men. I have and will continue to fight for freedom while you cower like the little girl you are.


  4. I would also like to say, this is all banter. The only truth is I love this country. We have many many faults, but that’s what makes us US. There’s no National language, and there never will be because if violates the first amendment to the constitution of these United States. It means we can have a discourse on matters we disagree with in a fun manner, conical, satire, Babylonian Bee style. You make up fact, I make up truths, it’s all fun and games. Life’s too short not to have fun. I see you are having fun as well. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to defend the very country I love. Deep down inside of you, there’s a dog looking for a fight. Join the military and become a leader and change the system. Or the police force. Or a fire fighter. We live in a country where you can do that. Name one other country where I can trash my country while saying fuck Donald as many times as possible. Im going to get on with my life. It was fun while it lasted. I hope you are well and wish you many success in the future.


    1. To express true love about your country is to be honest about it. You are not being honest with your unconditional pro-America propaganda support for illegal wars that killed millions of innocent civilians around the world. The USA has no business to bomb other countries around the world, and steal their resources.


      1. That’s a two-way street.

        I have admitted that this country has made mistakes in its past, but still has a burning desire to right the wrongs that have been committed.

        You haven’t said one good thing about the US. You just trash it.


        An easier question to answer for you: Has the US made the world better off or worse off?


        1. Stop being so dishonest about your own country. The USA obviously has a burning desire to spread chaos around the world. There is absolutely NO DESIRE to right the wrongs when the USA and their allies have contributed to destroying Libya which led to bringing back slavery in the 21st century, the millions of innocent Iraqi civilians killed in Iraq, providing weapons to their allies like Saudi Arabia to commit the worst humanitarian crisis in Yemen since the Holocaust, the USA’s interfering of other democratic elections around the world, drone strikes of killing majority innocent civilians around the world, invading and occupying other countries, and economic war sanctions on countries that kill innocent civilians including children. There’s no GOOD in any of this, you ignorant anti-intellectual.


  5. I got you with homogeneous countries right? Comparing apples to coconuts is difficult. You are comparing white super majority countries to the most diverse country the world has ever seen. You may not like this country, but there is no where else you would rather live. You look at the past and assume that will be the present. In 1960, we didn’t know very much compared to now. Racism in the US is extremely low. We have come a long way and instituted great policies to help even more. I can understand that your utter distain for this country, but it’s not rooted in facts nor logic. You take a singular issue and apply it without context. Start applying context to your arguments and they will be more structured.

    For example: What is world peace? That’s a thought provoking question. And the answer is so basic and elementary, you would be ashamed that you didn’t know the answer.

    When you’re comparing Sweden to the US, you aren’t adding the context needed. The population is 93% white. If your argument is that white homogeneous countries fair better than black homogeneous countries, that’s a weak argument.

    North Korea or Nigeria or Sweden, or Norway don’t have problems with race because, the majority of people are one color. That doesnt mean other tribes or communities don’t have gripes or grievances with other tribes. The Apache and the Navajo people used to have wars, not over race, but because they were enemies.

    Again, I never graduated high school and I know more than you about the world politics. Not because I’m more intelligent, I just apply context. And context is everything, the bread and butter of an argument. You can’t prove me wrong, and it’s going to drive you nuts.


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